The Creative Struggle | #artfaithcreativity
Have you ever felt stuck?
Have you ever compared your creative valley to someone else's mountain of success?
Safe Haven started because I had a passion for writing and photography. When you're passionate about something creativity can come easy. So what happens when that flame dulls into an ember? What about writer's block or those weeks at work that make it hard to feel inspired in your side hustle? I didn't realize it till this weekend but I rarely hear creatives openly discuss the dry seasons we all experience as we pursue our dreams.
This weekend I attended a short film premier, hosted by Art Soul Radio. This short film took years to come to fruition and in the process, a documentary was made about the twist and turns the journey held. The interactive showcase called for reflection and in that safe space you felt like you weren't alone. People were there with you in the "creative desert" and when you found your way to "creative freedom" (parts of the exhibition organized by Sway, the film's creator.)
So often we are wrapped up in what we see on social media that we don't hear about the struggle behind it. The dry seasons, the stressful months, the wondering if it's all worth it. Recently I fell into a comparison trap - and by recently I mean I just stopped writing this because I was doubting myself. "Is this sharing too much? Will anyone relate to where I'm at?" Currently my biggest struggle is judging someone who has the same passion as mine. I compare our appearances on social media and end up judging myself against someone else. The result is never the defense mechanism it begins as, because it eventually turns self-destructive as I belittle myself.
Building up someone else who is in the same industry as you doesn't take away from what you were created to do.
There was so much to take away from the event this past weekend but also walked away seeking stronger direction. How you do fight lack of inspiration? Do you breakdown the wall or pause and open a different door?
One of the biggest things I've seen keep me in a healthy space of creating is to surround myself with a community that acknowledges the good and bad days. A long time influencer, Jasmine Star, has been on my radar since she started on Youtube as a photographer sharing tips. She continually posts inspirational content that spurs me on. Yesterday she posted on IGTV, "When was the last thing you did nonsensical that made you feel alive?!" It's a healthy question to ask when you feel stuck in a rut. I found Safe Haven with every faithful step I took, following my inspiration blindly, and now it's the ever-evolving gift that I treasure daily. My next faithful step is to keep creating and trusting the process. I might feel stuck; my work may not be it's finest. But when you're passionate about something, keeping at it has proven to be the best thing to do to keep the fire burning.
Being a creative is about finding your voice. The good news is that evolves with you daily. And the even better news is that it will always be uniquely you - comparing others to yourself will never be productive because we weren't born with the same purpose. One of my strongly creative friends, Riko, shared in his latest work, "I'm still trying to find the story..I don't know but I will find out. It's getting over the common pitfall, "I don't know what I'm doing that someone else isn't already doing better than I am."
So make some space and reflect - what keeps you from creating? In what areas can you love your passion better? Is it stronger community? Is it a designated day off from the grind? Hoping to continue this conversation with you on my page, I'd love to hear from you!
CHEERS from C H I C A G O,
ashley brianna