G A R F I E L D P A R K - Conservatory
What do you do on a dreary day in the city? Where do you go when all you really want to be is on a tropical island? Is there a place that offers quiet solace and natural beauty without a crowd of people to weed through?
Yes. That would be the Garfield Park Conservatory due to its location being further south than most people travel. Fear not, those who depend on public transportation, this is right off the green line and if you’re already downtown it’s only a 20 minute ride!
Okay, I really adore this place. I live within 15 minutes of Lincoln Park Conservatory and would willingly travel out to Garfield Park because of its humble history, spacious grounds (10 acres outdoors!), and the delightful koi pond. I always try to snag that bench for as long as possible ;) And if you’re like me and newly aware of the succulent trend, you will love perusing their cacti room.
I also discovered that these rooms are kept at a delightfully warm temperature and was sweating towards the end of my visit. But that day was 36 degrees outside and although it felt warmer compared to the other days, the 78+ room temp and sunshine felt like I should be wearing a t-shirt instead of my wool coat.
Fun fact: the conservatory is also registered as a nonprofit due to the amount they give back to the community! You can become a member and receive discounts to amazing fundraisers like Beer Under Glass (which is on May 18th and looks like a blast with over 100 beer vendors alone.) Or, if you're more behind-the-scenes type you should work the events or plan a group for a service day!
As Chicagoans we owe it to our city to invest in what's making a difference and the conservatory is certainly an oasis in the desert - but how cool would it be if Garfield Park became a whole oasis instead of one building in the neighborhood?
CHEERS from C H I C A G O,
ashley brianna